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NampEVA BioTherapeutics LLC

NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) LLC, is a Dover, DE incorporated privately owned biopharmaceutical company dedicated to delivering affordable cancer specialty medicines to approximately 2 billion people in 85 countries classified as Low to Middle Income Countries (LMIC) by the World Bank, and with a corporate social responsibility (CSR) to reinvest locally to promote medical, science and technology education.

Our Products

NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) excels in, and will provide products in the following two areas.

Cancer Medicines

NBT will manufacture and distribute cancer medicines that are effective in the treatment of the following cancers:

Medicinal Cannabis
Medicinal Cannabis has been demonstrated to reduce nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, improve appetite in people with HIV/AIDS, reduces chronic pain, muscle spasms and treats severe forms of epilepsy and improve sleep. When usual treatments are ineffective, cannabinoids have also been recommended for anorexia, arthritis, glaucoma, migraine,
Developing and Testing
Medical Therapies

Through its 500-Bed Specialist Hospital which is designed to complement the pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. NBT will provide a site for performing Phase I-IV clinical trials in a wide variety of diseases.



NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) LLC, CSR is geared at reinvest locally to promote medical, science and technology education.

CSR is the efforts companies make to create positive social impact. To this end, NBT will provide education and training in the field of pharmaceutical research and drug discovery with a special emphasis on biologically active plants that are grown in Uganda.

Five thousand (5,000) square feet of space will be available for local students and professionals looking for career progression (including becoming a Senior Quality Research Professional), to train a group of staff in house in changes in procedures and regulations, or to bring about culture change within an entire organization.


NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) LLC, CSR is geared at reinvest locally to promote medical, science and technology education.

CSR is the efforts companies make to create positive social impact. To this end, NBT will provide education and training in the field of pharmaceutical research and drug discovery with a special emphasis on biologically active plants that are grown in Uganda.

Five thousand (5,000) square feet of space will be available for local students and professionals looking for career progression (including becoming a Senior Quality Research Professional), to train a group of staff in house in changes in procedures and regulations, or to bring about culture change within an entire organization.

Research &

NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) LLC, has a very strong and robust Division of R&D for the commercialization of medicinal plants and herbs grown in Africa.

There are numerous medicinal plants and herbs currently grown in Africa that have not been commercialized. A few specific examples are:

  • Azadirachta indica the juice is used to kill intestinal worms, is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal. The leaves have been used as insect repellents and for treating chicken pox. Known to cure muscular pains and various skin infections such as eczema, scabies, itching and diabetes.
  • Abrus precatorius cures; known to be effective against snakebite, gonorrhea, lack of sexual desire in women.
  • Alchornea cordifolia known to cure snakebite, malaria, ear infection, kidney disorders.
  • Aloe barbadensis (Aloe) known to cures malaria, fever, skin diseases, stops bleeding, scar remover, de-wormer.
Research &

NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) LLC, has a very strong and robust Division of R&D for the commercialization of medicinal plants and herbs grown in Africa.

There are numerous medicinal plants and herbs currently grown in Africa that have not been commercialized. A few specific examples are:

  • Azadirachta indica the juice is used to kill intestinal worms, is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal. The leaves have been used as insect repellents and for treating chicken pox. Known to cure muscular pains and various skin infections such as eczema, scabies, itching and diabetes.
  • Abrus precatorius cures; known to be effective against snakebite, gonorrhea, lack of sexual desire in women.
  • Alchornea cordifolia known to cure snakebite, malaria, ear infection, kidney disorders.
  • Aloe barbadensis (Aloe) known to cures malaria, fever, skin diseases, stops bleeding, scar remover, de-wormer.

Latest News and Updates about NBT events on exciting activities involving NBT staff

Frequently Asked Questions

A. African economies are growing rapidly and the healthcare market size is expected to double to US$ 45 billion by 2020. Moreover, sub-Saharan Africa holds out one of the most-attractive business opportunities in the future. Africa has 11% of the world’s population and is growing rapidly at 5-8% per annum. Significantly, 6/10 of the world’s fastest growing economies are in Africa.

A. The location of the NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) is strategically located in Uganda because it is at the interchange hub and gateway-point to the entire Great Lakes Region in East Africa, and in consolidated markets with Kenya in the east, to South Sudan in the north, Democratic Republic of Congo to the west, Rwanda and Burundi to the south west and Tanzania to the south by the new road and Standard Gauge Railway network currently under construction. In addition, the high literacy in Uganda is exceptional for the region since English is taught and spoken from kindergarten to University. Moreover, science and technology skills and knowledge for the sustainability and growth of the pharmaceutical sector is exceptional and will ensure its growth into the next generation.

A. The Founder and President of NBT is a highly innovative and accomplished world-renowned R&D scientist and visionary executive academic leader with 18+ years of exceptional executive leadership experience spearheading strategic planning, basic science research, drug development, clinical trials, training, education and commercialization initiatives. The NBT Management Team brings a unique understanding of the geopolitical climate plus are extensively networked in the business, healthcare and technical communities in Uganda, the Great Lakes Region and Africa. The Management Team also have a strong and detailed understanding of the market structure (informal and formal), have well long and well-developed relationships and understand the needs of the Ugandan government, have personal contacts with local generic pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. Importantly, the NBT Management Team take a long-term view on this project.

Have any questions?
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Frequently Asked Questions

A. African economies are growing rapidly and the healthcare market size is expected to double to US$ 45 billion by 2020. Moreover, sub-Saharan Africa holds out one of the most-attractive business opportunities in the future. Africa has 11% of the world’s population and is growing rapidly at 5-8% per annum. Significantly, 6/10 of the world’s fastest growing economies are in Africa.

A. The location of the NampEVA BioTherapeutics (NBT) is strategically located in Uganda because it is at the interchange hub and gateway-point to the entire Great Lakes Region in East Africa, and in consolidated markets with Kenya in the east, to South Sudan in the north, Democratic Republic of Congo to the west, Rwanda and Burundi to the south west and Tanzania to the south by the new road and Standard Gauge Railway network currently under construction. In addition, the high literacy in Uganda is exceptional for the region since English is taught and spoken from kindergarten to University. Moreover, science and technology skills and knowledge for the sustainability and growth of the pharmaceutical sector is exceptional and will ensure its growth into the next generation.

A. The Founder and President of NBT is a highly innovative and accomplished world-renowned R&D scientist and visionary executive academic leader with 18+ years of exceptional executive leadership experience spearheading strategic planning, basic science research, drug development, clinical trials, training, education and commercialization initiatives. The NBT Management Team brings a unique understanding of the geopolitical climate plus are extensively networked in the business, healthcare and technical communities in Uganda, the Great Lakes Region and Africa. The Management Team also have a strong and detailed understanding of the market structure (informal and formal), have well long and well-developed relationships and understand the needs of the Ugandan government, have personal contacts with local generic pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. Importantly, the NBT Management Team take a long-term view on this project.

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Copyright © 2020 NampEVA BioTherapeutics LLC | All Rights Reserved